Chronic Diseases

Asthma is an important medical condition. It is common, and although for most it is a mild illness, for some it is very serious. The Practice actively invites our asthmatic patients for a routine asthma review every year. These appointments are with our Practice Nurse, Dawn, or our Practice Pharmacist, Judith.
In order to really know how your asthma is doing we will ask you to check your peak flow reading in advance. This means using a peak flow meter to measure how quickly you can empty your lungs. If you have been recently contacted by the Practice with a telephone appointment, a prescription for a peak flow meter will have been sent to your chosen pharmacy. We would encourage you to collect your peak flow meter in advance of your appointment so that your readings can be provided to the Practice Nurse when she contacts you. Clear instructions on how to use a peak flow meter can be found at Please record your peak flow and have this reading ready for your telephone review appointment.
If you have been asked to submit your peak flow reading following a previous review appointment, please submit via the Peak Flow Form.

Asthma Questionnaire
Please complete this ONLY if you have received a text message asking you to do so.

Dr Jennings is our GP specialising in diabetic care. He runs regular diabetic clinics at the Practice, and is supported by our Practice Based Pharmacist, Colm. Diabetic patients will be offered an annual review of their diabetes with Dr Jennings. You will be invited by letter or SMS to attend for regular blood monitoring followed by a telephone appointment with Dr Jennings. Please do not contact the Practice to enquire when your review is due - our administration team will contact you once your appointment is due.
If, however, you are experiencing a change in your symptoms, ie low/high blood sugars, side effects of your diabetic medication etc, please contact the Practice to make an appointment with any GP - do not wait until you are invited for an annual review.
Worried you may have diabetes?
Please contact the Practice to make an appointment with any GP if you feel you have symptoms of diabetes such as:
- Extreme thirst
- Feeling really tired all the time
- Losing weight without really trying
- Urinating more often, especially at night
- Cuts/wounds do not seem to heal as quick as usual
Newly Diagnosed Diabetic
If you have recently been diagnosed with Diabetes, a face to face appointment will be arranged for you with Dr Jennings. At this appointment he will discuss how best to manage your diabetes, and make essential referrals to podiatry, dietitics, and diabetic retinopathy screening (diabetic eye screening) All of these healthcare professionals will advise you appropriately.
Useful Resources
Diabetes UK - Northern Ireland | In your area | Diabetes UK
(Diabetes Education and Self Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed) Programme

All patients who are hypertensive, and who take medication for their blood pressure will be invited for an annual BP check at the Practice. Often this may include routine blood sampling, depending on the medication you have been prescribed.
Colm, our Practice Based Pharmacist, supported by Dr Davison is currently running hypertension clinics by invitation only. You may be invited to attend the Practice in due course for a routine appointment. However, if you are experiencing high blood pressure, dizziness, headaches please contact the Practice to make an appointment with a GP.

Arthritis is a condition that causes pain, swelling and stiffness of joints. There are many different types of arthritis.
Lots of helpful information can be found at: Arthritis | Causes, symptoms, treatment | Versus Arthritis
NI Versus Arthritis also run free Self Management Courses. Full details can be found on the link below: