
Configure Appointment Details

Appointment System

If you need to see or speak to a GP please contact the Practice when the telephone lines open at 8.45am to request an appointment.  Our reception staff are trained Care-Navigators and will ask you a few questions in relation to your problem so that your care can be managed by the best member of the Healthcare Team.  Please help our Care-Navigators to direct you to the most appropriate person by giving them as much information as possible.  They are bound by patient confidentality and are only doing their job.  We can only accept appointment requests made by the telephone as this is a fair system for all our patients. 

Please be aware that appointments are limited, and once at full capacity you will be asked to phone back the next day.

The Practice specialises in the following: 

  • 8 Week Assessments for mum and new baby. 
  • Childhood Immunisation Clinics.  Appointments for these routine childhood vaccinations are sent to parents/guardian from the Child Health Office.  The Practice cannot make appointments for these. 
  • Diabetic Clinic is operated by Dr Jennings.  When you are due for your routine review, you will be contacted by the Practice.  
  • Cervical cytology clinics are with our Practice Nurse, Dawn.  If you have received notification from the Cervical Screening Office please contact the Practice to make an appointment. 
  • Joint Injections clinics are operated by Dr Jennings.  You must have received prior authorisation from a GP for this clinic.
  • Minor Surgery clinics are operated by Dr McEntee.  You must have been referred by the GP for this clinic. 
  • Gynae clinics are operated by Dr McLaverty.  You must been referred into this clinic by the GP depending on the nature of the problem.

Home Visits

The GP will visit you at home if your condition warrants it and you are unable to travel to the surgery, i.e., if you are housebound due to illness or have a disability.

Please telephone the Practice before 10.30am or as soon as possible.

Our trained Care Navigators will ask you a few questions to help the GP decide the urgency of the call.

Please remember to inform us if you are staying at a different address than usual due to your illness.

Please be aware that the GP will need to wear PPE when visiting you at home.

Cancelling or Rearranging an Appointment

If you need to cancel or rearrange an appointment please let us know as soon as possible in order that we give the slot to someone else.  We understand the difficulty in getting through on the telephones due to the demand on our service, however, many appointments are wasted each day due to patients who do not attend.

In April 2024 161 nursing appointments were wasted due to patients not attending.


Text Messaging Service

We use our text messaging service to send clinic invitations, blood results, and other appropriate health related information.  This is a one way service only.  If you would like to avail of this please complete the consent form below. 


Complete our SMS Consent Form