Maternity Services
Have you recently found out you are pregnant?
You can now self refer to the hospital for your antenatal care and delivery of your baby.
Northern Trust - Antrim Area Hospital

Request for Maternity Certificate (MAT B1 form)
Once you have informed your employer of your pregnancy, you will be asked to provide a Maternity Certificate.
A Maternity Certificate (MAT B1) enables a pregnant woman to claim:
- Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) from her employer
- Maternity Allowance (MA) from Jobcentre Plus
- Sure Start Maternity Grant (SSMG) from Jobcentre Plus
The certificate:
- verifies the pregnancy
- confirms the date of the expected week of confinement (EWC)
- confirms the actual date of birth when completed after confinement
- Can be completed from not more than 20 weeks the EWC
GPs or registered midwives must issue form MAT B1 free of charge to their pregnant patients for whom they provide clinical care.